

Highest Quality Hemp Flowers

From our own greenhouses, grown and harvested with the utmost care by professionals with years of experience.

Thanks to optimum conditions and regular composition analysis, the content of beneficial cannabidioles (CBD) is between 9 and 24%, making it one of the absolute market leaders. On the other hand, the THC content is undetectable, up to a maximum of the legal threshold for technical cannabis.

Flowers are neither psychoactive nor addictive.

The package does not contain sheets that would reduce the CBD content. They are pure flowers with the highest positive health effect. CBD cannabis plants were grown naturally, using only the sun.


What is CBD and why to use it

The health effects of cannabis have been known for hundreds of years (the first mention already in 600 BC), but only in recent years cannabis has been made publicly aware of its most beneficial substances - cannabidioles. Cannabis contains not only the famous THC, but also CBD, which has a unique medical use. 

Long-term research has managed to develop varieties that are low in THC and are rich in beneficial CBD. The cultivation of these varieties is completely legal, the resulting products are not psychoactive and do not cause addiction! Use of cannabis for medical purposes involves processing into ointments, oils or drying. The blend can be used as a spice, herbal blend or tea.


High Quality CBD Feminized Seeds

The highest CBD content on the market, 100% Legal, (<0,3 % THC)

We exclusively offer seeds, whose varieties are rich in CBD. The cultivated plants will offer a large harvest full of beneficial cannabidioles.

From each plant you harvest up to 500-1300 grams of leaves and flower, which can be further processed into ointments, oils or dried and used as a spice or herbal blend.

From a single plant you can get enough raw materials to produce  up to 1.5 liters of highly concentrated cannabis ointment without any additions or unnecessary chemistry.